Barry tells you straight up that the book, You Can Date Boys When You're Forty: Dave Barry on Parenting and Other Topics He Knows Very Little About, has little to do with child rearing. It is filled with essays on various topics, and when looking for a title, his publishers decided people would gravitate towards a book about raising children. He does write about taking his daughter to a Justin Bieber concert in Miami, but even that one leaves the reader searching for the fatherly advice. That being said, who cares! Anything Dave Barry discusses is worth reading because if laughter is indeed the best medicine then Barry is one heck of a doctor.
His thoughts on Fifty Shades of Gray, a trip to Israel, and Viagra commercials, resonate with the Barry sense of humor. He loves using his wife and her love of shopping to coax a laugh out of his readers. Of course no one is off limits. I have to assume the Bieber concert that he took his daughter to was a cheap price to pay for using her for joke material.
Do yourself a any one of this funny guy's books and forget about the world's problems for a change of pace. Life is too short to miss out on a good laugh.
- Beverly
Publisher - Putnam Adult
Date of Publication - March 4, 2014