We are living in a time where looking good seems to be more important than being good. We crave acceptance and understand that it may come at the steep price of our integrity. I remember my high school and college years, when "just saying no" meant being ridiculed and often left without the coveted party invitation. I watched some of my friends give in to social pressure, and some of them lived and died regretting it.
We are entering a time when lies and appearances will be more commonplace than truths. In nineteen months we will elect a new president. The insanity has begun, and neither side is immune. The candidates will lie about what they can and will do, and they will lie about what the other candidates have done and will do. We will listen to these lies and believe the ones we are most comfortable with while condemning those that the opposing candidates share.
What can we do to change our political atmosphere? I think we need to stop listening to the lies, and in fact, we need to stop supporting the liars. Neither republicans nor democrats have a monopoly on smear campaign politics. It has been going on since I can remember. I believe that is because publications like "The National Enquirer" set the tone for us. I also believe that most of us would much prefer a clean election where we can worry about the issues instead of poorly designed accusations and outright untruths. We can do this...come on now...we are readers...so let's read up on things before we believe them.
Speaking of reading and telling lies, The Stranger by Harlan Coben shows how lies can definitely be your undoing. Corinne lied to her husband Adam, he believed her, and their whole family paid the price. Coben has a way of taking commonplace situations and making them into nail biting experiences. In this story there are some bad guys who think they are good guys, and their are some really bad guys who really don't care. I am not sure how he does it, but this author ALWAYS keeps my interest and makes me dread turning the last page of any book he writes.
On the lighter side, Dog Day Wedding by Rich Amooi will keep a smile on your face as you root for the hero in his cute and humorous romance novel. Even the most annoying of characters in this book are ones we want to read about, because we just have a feeling that there is going to be a happily ever after ending
Happy reading
- Beverly