- Kahlil Gibran
Yes, we are still here, and thankfully we are doing fine as we ride out the pandemic in our homes. I just needed a break from my world, and although I didn’t stop reading, I just couldn’t make myself write. It is time to re-join the world though, and I can easily do this from the confines of my home. Hope this finds all of you well and doing what you can to help rid us of this medical mess.
I have spent the last week looking for flour. I kid you not, there is no flour in any stores in my area, and I read yesterday that there is little flour or yeast anywhere in the country. What is wrong with people? Why are they hoarding sacks of flour and yeast? Is it the great bread famine of 2020? For that matter, why in the world are they hoarding anything?
In the worst of shelter-in-place times, we are permitted to go out for groceries. It was advised that we stock up on two week’s worth of food in the advent that we feel too ill to shop, so I bought a few extra cans of tuna, a few cans of beans and a few bags of frozen veggies. I already had two packs of toilet paper, so I passed that by rather than face the screaming throng of shoppers. I actually needed some Clorox Wipes, but they were gone before I could near that aisle.
I would really love to know what is in the minds of these people who are actually adding twice the angst to themselves and everyone else by buying things in bulk. You are causing a shortage of food and necessary supplies where there never had to be one. Health care providers can’t find protective equipment because people are stockpiling dozens of boxes in their closets. Without healthy health care providers none of us stands a chance.
Speaking of chances...stop taking them. Kids...spring break really isn’t worth it. Young people are getting deathly sick from this too. Baby Boomers...you aren’t invincible. Stop getting together with “just a few” friends because you “trust” them. Coronavirus doesn’t bypass trustworthy people. Parents...your children will survive no play dates for a bit (so will you), and your teenagers need to be grounded.
It is frustrating to know that we can lick this if everyone takes the proper precautions, but we have no control, and so it is licking us. Our governor has decided to begin reopening our state even though Florida still has high numbers of cases every day. In fact, some of the North Florida beaches are re-opening . Unfortunately, politics seems to be playing into decisions around the country, and that is never good.
Well, I think I have let off enough steam for one day. The optimistic side of me does believe that this will end, and we will be stronger for it. Our environment will definitely benefit from the break it is getting, and people might come out of it just a little bit kinder after facing our own vulnerabilities. We can’t forget those who lost their lives or those who are faced with long recoveries. We must be generous in thought and deed to those who have lost their jobs and must start over. We must also be generous to ourselves as we venture through the twilight zone that is our current existence. We must take that deep breath and realize that we can not control everything, but we can control our reactions to what happens. It is normal to feel anxious. It is normal to feel unsettled. It is normal not to sleep. This too shall pass.
It is important to stay occupied, and reading is a great way to fill the time at home. This weeks book, Cheater’s Game by Paul Levine, is just the thing to take your mine off of world wide chaos. Have fun.
As always a complete review of this book follows my blog.
Happy reading,
- Beverly