He was so successful in this genre, that he began several other series, and in 2012 he introduced us to government assassin Will Robie. Five books later Robie is still going strong, and his fan base looks forward to each new adventure that he is featured in. End Game, his latest, will not disappoint his audience. This book finds Will Robie and Jessica Reel in a sparsely populated area of Colorado, searching for their handler, Roger Walton, code named “Blue-man.”
Blue-man disappeared while on a rare vacation, and finding him becomes a priority.
Unfortunately, the small Colorado town that is their base is economically stagnant, lacking a strong police force and populated with several heavily armed fringe groups. Things get nasty, lives are lost and our heroes face some overwhelming odds.
Baldacci introduces some strong characters in his novels, and these two are among the strongest, so those that know them aren’t too worried. The book begins with Robie single handedly killing sixteen “bad guys” without breaking much of a sweat. The reader has to be an expert at suspending reality and just accepting the Superman-like qualities that this author bestows on his characters, but once that is done the ride is non-stop.
Baldacci is excellent at setting the scene and building suspense with his short chapters and various cliff hangers. He is equally good at building characters and having them deal with various hardships along the way to a successful conclusion. The relationship between Will and Jessica is not an easy one and proves to be an interesting aside to this adventure.
If you are looking for an exciting holiday read, look no further, Baldacci has done it again.
- Beverly
Publisher - Grand Central Publishing
Date of Publication - November 14, 2017