The story centers around the life and imminent death of Professor Edward Wynne Carter, III, who has spent over thirty years on Virginia’s death row for the murder of his pregnant wife, Anne. Ed insists his love for Anne would have never allowed him to kill her, and Attorney Brendon Murphy has kept him alive until now, but an execution date looms ahead.
Ed’s son, Wynne, is an Attorney and his father’s biggest champion, and is doing everything in his power to save his father as well. Wynne's fiancé, Claire, is willing to give up her big wedding and concentrate on helping the Carters prove Ed’s innocence, but complications arise.
McKenzie Fitzgerald, just out of law school when Anne was murdered, interviewed a key alibi witness, forgot to turn on the tape recorder, and covers up her mistake at Ed’s expense. Now she is fighting for a seat on the Supreme Court and realizes if she brings out the truth to save Ed, she will lose the nomination.
The story, with so many roads to follow, is an easy one to get involved in, and I never felt lost. Hawkins style pulls us into the mind and heart of each of her characters, and the story itself, loosely based on the truth, is a fascinating read. Although the end felt a wee bit too contrived for my taste, I enjoyed the book enough to overlook that small issue.
Publisher - Amazon Digital Services LLC
Date of Publication - August 30,2018