The story begins with Nick taking the case of a teaching assistant who is accused of molesting three young students. Believing in his client's innocence, Nick goes beyond the call of duty to save him from years behind bars. The young lawyer also gets involved in the case that has the entire town on edge. The "Spider-Man Rapist" has been terrifying women by climbing into their rooms at night and raping them. The more involved Nick gets in the case, the more he wants to turn away. He makes connections that he doesn't want to make, and the very ethics that define him could ultimately destroy him.
The Good Lawyer shows us a cast of flawed characters who work on both sides of the law. Nick's family plays an integral part in his life and in this story, and watching him juggle the people who mean the most to him with the career that he loves, makes this book even more exciting. For those who enjoy legal thrillers with well-defined characters this will definitely be a great addition to your bookshelf.
- Beverly
Publisher - Landview Books
Date of Publication - March 14, 2012