Her seven year old son is gunned down by a semi-automatic during a school shooting at a Salt Lake City elementary school, and she wants the gun manufacturer to pay. Peter is well aware that no one beats the gun lobby and tries to tell her that it is a losing cause. Eventually she convinces him to help her, and the David and Goliath battle begins.
When he realizes his opponent is Brennen Garvin, a brilliant lawyer with a total lack of scruples, his one man office seems laughable and his case impossible. A former fiancé, and a satanist intern/clerk join his team, and the fun begins.
Methos does his usually good job in featuring the “down on his luck” attorney as a credible hero, and the book moves along quickly to a satisfying conclusion. He definitely paints a picture of the horrors of a school shooting, but he does not bury us in more details than is necessary. While I would have enjoyed a bit more character development, this plot driven legal thriller never took the easy way out. This was never going to be an easy win, and the author made it more about the importance of the fight than the big money payout.
Peter Game seems to find himself in this challenge, and I hope Methos brings him back in a future novel.
Publisher - Thomas & Mercer
Date of Publication - October 23, 2018